Business Cards For Lawyers: Legal Legitimacy

By | May 20, 2024

Business Cards For Lawyers: Legal Legitimacy – The best fonts for your law firm website and advertising are those that are easy for people to quickly look at and process the core message you are conveying. Simple fonts (eg sans-serif) are best for achieving this.

Fonts matter for a variety of reasons, including readability, making a professional impression and brand recognition. You’ll want to choose a font that can be used consistently across a variety of online and offline media—including those that are more difficult to print on, such as apparel, decals for glass surfaces, and office supplies.

Business Cards For Lawyers: Legal Legitimacy

Illegible fonts hurt the reader’s eyes and can open your business up to ADA issues. Readability depends on how clearly a reader can decipher each character.

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Illegible fonts can also hamper your law firm’s SEO initiatives and impact your search engines if visitors bounce away shortly after landing on your site.

While some fonts are hard to read at first glance, others can be harder to spot. Choosing a font because it seems unique can backfire if other people have difficulty reading it. For example, fonts like Brush Script are not good because they are hard to read.

Legibility and accessibility are important for designing printed items such as business cards, law firm letterhead and brochures. But both are important for online media, where you often have a limited amount of time to make an impression – especially when a small screen is involved.

Good fonts are not only more readable, but they can also add class and style to the content of your website. At first glance, font selection may seem simple: choose a font that appeals to you and the company’s other partners, right?

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People form opinions online in about 17 milliseconds. If your font is too cavalier, hard to read, or unprofessional, it’s too easy for the reader to keep scrolling on social media or hitting the “back” button.

A font that is perceived as unprofessional is Comic Sans. Avoid using it in business materials, and make sure your employees don’t use it in their emails either. Its style stands out so much that it detracts from the message it’s trying to convey – the exact opposite of what you want.

Unique fonts can help set you apart from the competition. Your potential customers should recognize your company’s fonts, along with the other key elements of your brand, such as your logo (especially its shape from a distance) and color palette.

Differentiating your law firm from the competition is important, and the consistent use of your font is one way to achieve this.

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There are seven main elements of font typography that affect impression and readability. A typeface itself is a variation of a typeface, which is defined as the letter design. Each individual font represents a change to the general font.

A serif refers to the small lines associated with a font. A serif font has more of a professional and authoritative style. An example of a serif font is Times New Roman, which resembles the printed letters of a typewriter.

In addition to being associated with institutions like the New York Times and other brands with a long history, serif fonts are also easier to read at smaller sizes. Although the complete history of serifs is not known, some believe it is linked to the extra brush strokes that calligraphers added to the written word.

Sans serif fonts are more modern and are designed to mimic human handwriting today. Futura, Arial and Helvetica are examples of sans serif typefaces.

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However, not all Sans serif fonts are created equal. For example, highway signs evolve from using Highway Gothic to Clearview, both of which are Sans serif fonts, to address legibility issues caused by halation.

A chosen font size should be large enough to read, but not so large that it is overwhelming. Generally, font size is calculated by evaluating the distance between the bottom point of a small “g” to the top point of a large “M”.

Most people are familiar with the term “point” when it comes to font size, such as the 12-point font Times New Roman. A point is 0.013837 of an inch.

Font size is one of the biggest accessibility issues on the web today. Since over 25 million Americans have vision problems, choose a good-sized font for your website. Use a minimum size of 16px, but 18px for standard paragraph format is preferred.

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Choosing a basic font in black may not reveal potential accessibility issues with a given font until it is translated to different colors in a lawyer logo or company name logo. Internet accessibility issues affect people who are color blind and visually impaired, and correct color contrast is key to accessibility.

Plain text should have a minimum contrast ratio of 4:5:1, and larger text (such as 18 points) should have a minimum contrast ratio of 3:1. The Contrast Chrome extension is a great option you can use to audit your website.

Throughout your law firm’s marketing, you will use selected fonts in different styles such as headlines and body text. If you mix different fonts, consider supplemental font recommendations. These are fonts that work well together without compromising readability.

Serif fonts are typically more common for headings because they are larger and easier to read, but sans serif is best for body paragraphs.

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When choosing a font and an appropriate size, make sure that all other elements applied to the font also make it readable. This means emphatic elements such as bold, italics, underlining and strikethrough.

Bold can make it thicker or be used to add strong emphasis to a particular word. Italics is another way to emphasize a particular word or phrase by slanting the text. Compared to the base font, both bold and italics make a font harder to read and should therefore not be used consistently.

Underline or stroke through a font apply lines below or through the center of the line of text. Before choosing a font, make sure that the fonts you’re exploring are still legible when you apply these elements.

The space between each letter when written out in words is called letter spacing. If the letter spacing is too narrow, it is difficult for readers to see each unique character clearly. This can cause confusion and slow reading time.

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Line Spacing refers to the vertical distance between lines of text. Most written text today is single-spaced or double-spaced, although word processors range from 1.0 to 3.0. Adjusting line spacing is more important when a font is harder to read when single-spaced. A good rule of thumb for user experience is to set the line height to approximately 150% of the font size.

Each site may require different fonts, as what works well on the web may not work so well in print. There are four primary places where law firms use their fonts: the firm’s website, branding and logos, email and legal documents.

Most attorneys work with outside graphic design firms to create the best law firm logo that will help differentiate them in their marketing and advertising. Similarly, many companies partner with external web design firms to create a compelling template or custom website.

There is more room for creativity with branding and law firm logo design when looking at fonts. When choosing a font for a law firm logo, consider complementary fonts as well as upper versus lower case.

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More laid-back law firms may allow individual lawyers and staff to choose whatever font appeals to them (it’s worth mentioning again: no Comic Sans, ever), but other firms may prefer the consistent approach of everyone using the same type and size .

Most lawyers are familiar with acceptable legal fonts from their schooling or training. Certain courts may restrict which fonts can be used in briefs and other submitted documents related to legal services, but attorneys still have leeway when it comes to client communications and letterhead.

Times New Roman and Helvetica are the most popular fonts to use on legal websites, although these are not the only options. On your website, choosing fonts that your readers are familiar with can make it easier for them to consume your content.

With branding and logos, you can get more creative with font choices. Most branding elements will appear as part of visual design like your logo or trademark, so choosing a unique font can help you stand out from your competition in the legal industry.

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Consider that your brand’s visuals will appear in many places and should look consistent and compelling throughout, including:

The Montgomery Law logo above weaves the font and chosen colors into the visual brand of the firm.

Arial is a go-to sans serif font for emails because it stands alone well and is used everywhere in print and digital media. While its popularity makes it one to avoid for the more stylistic elements like your logo, it’s a perfect choice for emails.

Helvetica, a font that works well in headings and titles, is not recommended for email use due to the limited spacing between letters.

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Times New Roman is the industry standard for legal documents created for court. be sure

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