Can God Forgive Me If I Keep On Sinning

By | December 28, 2024

Can God Forgive Me If I Keep On Sinning – “For if you forgive others when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins” (Matthew 6:14-15).

It is possible that you are carrying some deep wounds that you have carried for months, maybe even years. When you think about the person who hurt you, it’s still as fresh as if it happened this morning. The pain is still there, and you are still filled with resentment.

Can God Forgive Me If I Keep On Sinning

You say, “Why on earth would I forgive the person who hurt me so much? You have no idea how much they hurt me. Why should I offer mercy to that person?”

The Danger Of Unforgiveness

You will never have to forgive anyone else more than Jesus Christ has already forgiven you. Remember that you didn’t always get what you deserved either. God has been gracious to you. Choose now to be gracious to others.

Scientists say that resentment is the unhealthiest emotion there is. It always hurts you more than anyone else! Resentment will not change the past, and it will not solve the problem. It doesn’t even make you feel better. In fact, it makes you feel worse.

“Be careful that none of you fails to respond to the grace that God gives, because if he does, a bitter spirit may very easily arise in him which is not only bad in itself but can also poison the lives of many others”

“For if you forgive others when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Matthew 6:15 But If You Do Not Forgive Men Their Trespasses, Neither Will Your Father Forgive Yours

(NIV). Jesus says that we cannot receive what we are unwilling to give. If you say, “I could never forgive that person,” I hope you never sin. If you just don’t feel like doing it, do it anyway, because it’s the right thing to do.

One reason why you may find it difficult to forgive others is that you do not feel forgiven. Would you pray this prayer for deliverance and freedom in your heart?

“Dear Jesus Christ, you know that I have been hurt by others. You know that my resentment has caused me to act in ways that have been unreasonable and unhelpful and unhealthy. I need your strength to let go and forgive those who have hurt me so that I can stop letting them control me. Would you please replace my hurt with your peace? God, I realize that I have hurt many other people with my bad decisions and my endings. Please forgive me for the way I have hurt others? Help me to make a list of those I have hurt and to humbly try to make amends in the right way and at the right time. I want to focus my life on you again. I want to face the future with love and peace in mine heart. Would you replace my bitterness with your grace? Thank you for the wrong things I have done. In Jesus’ name.”

No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, you can have a place in God’s eternal family ready and waiting for you. The invitation is

Will God Forgive Me If I Keep Sinning?

“Dear God, I know that when I die I will give you an account of my life right away. I confess that I have ignored you. I know that I have sinned against you, and I have lived according to my plan, not yours. I want it to change, from now on I want to turn away from my sins and go towards you.

“Thank you for sending Jesus to die for everything I’ve done wrong so I don’t have to pay the penalty. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I know only your grace can save me, Lord. I could never be enough good for getting into a perfect spot.

“Jesus, thank you for loving me so much that you took all my guilt upon you. You made me acceptable to heaven, and I humbly ask you to save me. I ask you to save me from the sins and the habits that destroy my life right now. I believe in you, Jesus. I believe you will keep your promise to save me immediately and completely and forever. Amen.”

If you prayed that prayer, write and tell me at [email protected] . I would love to send you some materials as you begin your journey with Jesus.?” If so, what follows is for you. Destroying badly can be scary, especially when we consider God’s perfect holiness and the fact that He must judge sin. Without a balanced perspective, it can be difficult to sleep at night. You may be haunted by guilt and feel that there is no hope because of your past and present sins.

Why Is Confession Important? (i Thought My Sins Were Already Forgiven!)

Feelings like this aren’t too surprising because our human relationships are more vulnerable to falling apart than we care to admit. For example, a major breach of trust can quickly destroy a marriage – even one that is decades old. Everything can seem thin. We may fear that all it takes is one more misstep, and we could lose our jobs or even our closest relationships. To be told that we are “irredeemable” or that the wreckage we created is irreparable and irreversible is a terrifying thought (and not outside the realm of possibility humanly speaking).

So it is not too surprising if we are tempted to view our relationship with God in the same way as our human relationships (very conditional). It is difficult for our limited minds to understand much else. And so we begin to wonder, “

Some things make God smile. Deep down, we want his friendly smile to shine upon us. It sure beats being the recipient of a perpetually furrowed brow (the latter is often much easier to imagine). More than anything else, we want peace with God in this life and the next. But sin continues to whisper to us and try to steal our peace.

What are we in for then? The happy answer is that there is no particular sin we can commit that would be unforgivable by God. He paid a huge cost to give us forgiveness and right standing. That being said, it is an urgent matter that we get right with Him without delay (more on that later).

O God Forgive Me

The myth that in this life we ​​can reach the point of being irrevocable by God has gained steam in several ways. It is a particularly vile and insidious lie because it has made too many people feel that there is no hope for them when in fact there is. At the same time, it has tricked others into proudly believing that God is OK with them because, unlike some, they are “good enough.” Here are some of the most common reasons why this false belief has become so widespread.

We just hit this one, so we won’t camp on it for long. Suffice it to say that even though we are made in God’s image, so is He

Some religious traditions have taught that some sins are more reprehensible than others. The truth is that every sin we commit is serious enough to merit eternal separation from God. Yes, some sins are more terrible than others or have worse earthly consequences, but all sin kills.

Religious tradition should never be elevated above biblical authority. God’s word should determine how we conduct our faith. Religious or church tradition is not necessarily bad, but it should help carry out God’s will for us as communicated in the Bible, not stand in the way of it. When religious tradition is cherished more than the word of God, we end up with all sorts of terrible mistakes, like “we may be too bad to be forgiven”.

Since God Withholds Forgiveness, Can We?

Another reason we are tempted to believe that we can reach the point of no return is that, humanly speaking, some of the most terrible sins may seem too bad to be forgiven. A selection of the most horrific, disgusting and heartbreaking sinful acts regularly make national and global news. They can shock us to the core. We are upset with them (as we should be). But in our humanity we struggle to accept that “these people” can also be forgiven by God. And that, apart from Jesus, we all suffer the eternally deadly consequences of sin.

This false belief can feed our pride if we are not careful. If we can somehow come up with a way to believe that we are morally superior to others (at least in our minds), it will give us false confidence.

The danger is that our pride can blind us to the truth. Only Jesus is ‘morally superior’, AKA completely and forever sinless from eternity past to eternity future. The rest of us aren’t even close.

We can beat ourselves up so hard over our sins that we struggle to believe that God could wipe those sins away. He can and does it every day. Listen to God’s voice through His Word rather than what Satan whispers to you when you are tired and weary.

Bible Verses About Forgiveness

We may be tempted to believe that we cannot

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