Business Cards For Authors: Storytelling In Every Card

Business Cards For Authors: Storytelling In Every Card – How to define the word history? Long, short, funny or serious? Dark, inspiring, or maybe captivating? Each person has their own unique story to tell. Stories are endless journeys, hidden talents or repressed memories, all waiting to be told. We all have a different definition of history, so why not share yours? At The Storyteller Agency, we love listening and telling stories. To start the week, we’ve collected some of the best storytelling quotes in the hopes that they will inspire others to tell their stories. What is your story?

1. “It’s like everyone is telling a story about themselves in their own head. Always. All the time. This story makes you who you are. We are building on this history.”

Business Cards For Authors: Storytelling In Every Card

2. “Storytelling is our responsibility to the next generation. If all we do is marketing, we are doing a disservice not only to our profession, but also to our children and their children. Give your audience something meaningful by inspiring, engaging and educating them with your story. Stop marketing. Start telling the story.”

Friends & Fiction Bookshop

3. “The goal of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to ask questions for you to think about.”

4. “Stories have to be told or they will die, and when they die we won’t remember who we are or why we are here.”

6. “History has no beginning or end: one arbitrarily chooses that moment of experience from which one can look back or from which one looks forward.”

7.” There is something in us, the narrators and listeners of history, that demands an act of redemption, that demands that what has fallen be given at least a chance to be restored. Today’s reader is looking for this move, and rightly so, but has forgotten about its costs. His sense of evil is weakened or completely absent, and he has therefore forgotten the price of renewal. When he reads a novel, he wants to either torment his senses or lift his spirits. He wants to be transferred immediately, either to mock condemnation or innocence.

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10. “Do you know what ingredient is most often missing in the sales message? It’s a sales message that doesn’t tell an interesting story. Storytelling. . . good story. . . is an important element of the marketing campaign.”

11. “Narrative imagination – the story – is the basic tool of thinking. Rational abilities depend on it. It is our main way of looking into the future, predicting, planning and explaining.

12. “We are all storytellers. We all live in a web of stories. There is no stronger bond between people than storytelling.

13. “The way we experience stories will evolve, but as storytelling animals, we won’t give up on it, we’ll just start walking on all fours.”

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14. You will never kill storytelling because it is built into the human plan. We come with this.”

17. “The future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: artists, inventors, storytellers – creative and holistic right-brain thinkers.”

19. “Well, if storytelling is important, so is your narrative ability, or your ability to put into words or effectively use what someone else has put into words.”

20. “The art of storytelling is coming to an end because the epic piece of truth, of wisdom, is dying out.”

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Works: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Random Vacancy, The Cuckoo’s Calling, The Silkworm, Career of Evil

24. “Stories are our primary tools for learning and teaching, the repositories of our knowledge and legends. They bring order to our confusing world. Think about how many times a day you use stories to convey data, insights, memories or common sense advice.”

25. “Marketing is, at its core, storytelling. The best advertising campaigns take us on an emotional journey – appealing to our wants, needs and desires – while telling us about the product or service.

26. “You will never kill storytelling because it is built on the human plane. We come with this.” – Margaret Atwood, author

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27. “I’ll tell you a secret. Old storytellers never die. They disappear into their own history.” – Vera Nazarian, author

28. “As a species, we are addicted to history. Even when the body falls asleep, the mind stays up all night telling itself stories. – Jonathan Gottschall, The Storytelling Animal

29. “Stories create community, allow us to see through other people’s eyes, and open us to the claims of others.”

30. The fact of storytelling points to fundamental human anxiety, points to human imperfection. Where there is perfection, there is no story to tell.

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35. “The stories we tell literally create the world. If you want to change the world, you have to change your history. This truth applies to both individuals and institutions.”

37. “This is our story to tell. You would think that reading all this I would have thought of this before, but I didn’t. I never once thought about the interpretive, storytelling aspect of my life. I always felt like I was part of a story, that’s true, but I wasn’t the author of it or had any influence on its telling. – Jandy Nelson, author

38. “I couldn’t stop talking because now I had started my story and it wanted to be finished. We cannot choose where to start and end. Our stories are about us.”

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39. “Long before I wrote stories, I listened to stories. Listening to them is something more painful than listening to them. I suppose this is an early form of participation in what is happening. Children who listen know that there are stories. When the elders sit down and start, the children just wait and hope that someone will come out, like a mouse from a hole.

40. “Tell the story that grows in your heart, the characters you can’t get out of your head, the story that speaks to you, that pops into your head on your daily commute, that wakes you up in the morning.”

42. “Once upon a time was what it was, and if nothing had happened, there would have been nothing to talk about.”

44. “I think the best stories always end with the people, not the event, i.e. the characters.”

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Works: Bag of Bones Scribner, Black House, Carrie Doubleday, Cell Scribner, Christine Viking Press, The Colorado Kid Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc., Cujo Viking Press, Cycle of the Werewolf Signet, The Dark Half Viking Press, The Dark Tower : The Song of Susannah Scribner, The Dark Tower, Dolores Claiborne

45. “Whenever I’m asked what advice I have for young writers, I always answer that the first thing is to read, and read a lot. The second thing is writing. The third thing that I think is absolutely essential is telling stories and listening carefully to the stories they tell you.

46. ​​​​”I have always held the old-fashioned opinion that the main purpose of fiction should be to tell a story.”

47. “If every event that happened could be given a name, there would be no need for stories.”

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Works: Once in Europe, Ways of Seeing, G., Here We Meet: A Tale of Crossing Paths

49. “Storytelling wasn’t about making things up. It was more like inviting the story to come through it so it could be told.”

Now that you have some inspiration, it’s time to start telling your story. With our guidance and expertise, we can help bring out the storyteller in you. We can help you with any or all of your issues

We love a good story and we love a good storyteller. Are you interested in writing for The Storyteller Agency? Send us a message: [email protected].

Sudowrite Review (2024)

At six months he was talking, at ten months he was walking, and now at six months he is asking questions about heaven, love, life and death. He loves telling people he was born in Florida and so am I. Our little beach baby. He is full of delight and hope. They say that time passes quickly with your children, that suddenly you look up and they are walking, talking, going to school, driving and moving out to start their own life. Lately I’ve been struck by an overwhelming sense that time passes quickly, too quickly for me to capture these moments, too fleeting to properly appreciate them. How long will he be my boy? It’s taking my breath away and there’s nothing I can do to slow it down. Lord, let him always love me as he does now; let me always be his safe place; let him know that we will always be his home; and Lord, let me be with him for as many moments of his life as I can.

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