Influence The Power Of Persuasion Robert Cialdini

By | November 18, 2024

Influence The Power Of Persuasion Robert Cialdini – Cialdini’s work in the field of human psychology has received many accolades around the world. Many value investors have heard of it from Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett’s many years of praise.

. I have only read the first book so far, it was first published in 1984. The second book is on my reading list.

Influence The Power Of Persuasion Robert Cialdini

Although my opinion hardly counts after the compliments Munger gave me (she sent copies of the book to all her children and gifted her with Cialdini’s Berkshire stock), I would like to say that the book opened my eyes. While many points seem too obvious to take seriously, my future experiences with social media (especially Twitter) have proven the value of Cialdini’s work. I also encourage readers not to be confused by seemingly dated references to past marketing practices. The book was written in the era before smartphones and Instagram.

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However, I believe that all social media platforms are built on the principles discussed in this book.

I actually felt sad after reading it because it became pretty obvious that people can be so easily tricked into doing things they rationally don’t want to do. In this respect, our minds are actually not as complex as we sometimes think.

The book is a must-read for anyone involved in marketing, especially in social media. This may even be relevant for early-stage portfolio managers who are willing to raise more capital and convince future investors to put money into their funds. It also helps investors improve their decision-making process by highlighting all the weaknesses in our process. I plan to implement the six principles of influence discussed by Cialdini into my Checklist to ensure that my thinking is not influenced by forces outside of my control and is based on facts and logic as much as possible.

Cialdini begins his book by describing how easily animal behavior can be manipulated due to many pre-programmed “tapes” that cause animals to do crazy things due to one-time triggers (eg a mother turkey will kill her own chicks under certain circumstances – no specific sound). . Cialdini draws many parallels with automatic human actions that can be triggered.

Mastering The Power Of Persuasion With Dr. Robert Cialdini

. If someone gets in line and says, “Excuse me, I can use the Xerox machine, I have five pages,” only half of the people in line will let him skip it. But if you just add it

The reason for his sentence is that 94% of people would allow him to use the machine (e.g. Excuse me, I can use the Xerox machine, I have five pages and I’m in a hurry”).

Point, it turns out not. In reality, the key word is “because”. The third type of request was formulated as follows:

Sorry, I have five pages. Can I use the Xerox machine because I need to make some copies?

Influence Summary: The Psychology Of Persuasion By Robert B Cialdini

There are three bowls of water in front of a man. One has warm water, the other has cold water, and the third has room temperature. After the person puts one hand in a bowl of cold water and the other in a bowl of hot water, he would be surprised that when both hands are in the third bowl, one hand feels like it is in hot water, while the other hand (in the exact same bowl ) would feel cold. As Cialdini notes, “the point is that the same thing … can look very different, depending on the nature of the event that preceded it.”

“Suppose a man walks into a men’s fashion store and says he wants to buy a three-piece suit and a sweater. If you were the salesperson, which one would you show him first so that he is likely to spend the most money? Clothing stores instruct Salespeople , to sell the expensive item first, common sense suggests the opposite: if a man has spent a lot of money on a suit, he is unwilling to spend much more on a sweater. because when it comes time to look at sweaters, even the expensive ones, their prices don’t seem that high compared to a man spending $95 on a sweater, but if he just bought a $495 suit, a $95 sweater doesn’t seem expensive. “

According to Cialdini, the following principles have the greatest impact on our behavior and are easy to tap into:

According to the rule of reciprocity, we must try to repay in kind what another person has given us (e.g. if a man sends us a birthday present, we should commemorate his birthday with our own gift; if a couple invites us to a party, we must definitely invite them to one of ours). Sociologists claim that there is no human society that does not adhere to this rule.

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The resource of this rule is to increase how much we love the person who has done us a favor. Many professional salespeople know this by offering simple things like free coffee at the start of negotiations. “Free patterns” are also widely used as such techniques.

More sophisticated sales techniques turn the rejection of the original offer into their strength. For example, if you are offered a service that you do not really need in this state, and you refuse to continue the discussion, the seller can ask you to name friends who may be interested in that service. Under normal circumstances, you are unlikely to give such details, but after facing pressure during the presentation, you may agree to name a few of your friends as a concession.

This technique also thrives on the contrast strategy of selling $95 sweaters after selling $495 suits. Sharing a few connections seems like a small concession compared to buying a service you don’t need.

Cialdini also gives the example of a sales manager who first offers an expensive product (such as a $3,000 desk). After the customer rejects it, he gives him a cheaper $300 piece. Such a sell order (showing an expensive item first and then a cheaper one) generated more sales than the opposite. Traditionally, retailers have traded by first offering the customer a low-priced product and then pushing him to buy a more sophisticated product.

Book Summary: Influence By Robert Cialdini

Cialdini shares the results of a study that showed that immediately after placing a bet on a particular horse at the racetrack, people had more confidence in their horse’s chances of winning than immediately before the bet. As Cialdini writes, “of course nothing changes in terms of the horse’s chances; it’s the same horse, on the same track, in the same area; but in the bookies’ opinion, the horse’s prospects improve significantly after buying the ticket”.

The reason for such behavior is “an almost obsessive desire to be (and appear to be) consistent with what we have already done. Once we have made a choice or taken a stand, we face personal and interpersonal pressure to behave consistently with that commitment.”

To me, this is similar to an “expert problem” where one makes a prediction and sticks to it even though there is more and more evidence for another scenario, just to stay consistent. Some decision-making experts advise against making your stock calls public because of the risk of becoming biased by selecting only facts that support your original thesis and ignoring counterarguments.

Another study discussed in the book found that if the caller asked, “How are you feeling today?” does it start with a question? you are more likely to get what you want. This is because the responder would naturally respond with something like, “You’re doing it right,” which automatically limits your future options as you commit. For example, it would be more difficult to refuse a small donation to a charity that supports the homeless.

Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion Book Review

It may be well known, but it is still important to remember that written commitments are much stronger than verbal ones. If you write down your goals, there is a greater chance of achieving them. You may not want to send something in writing and talk on the phone if you don’t want to be trapped in a strong commitment later.

Cialdini also discussed the tactics used by car dealers when they present a vehicle to buyers that is deliberately cheaper than any alternative. After the customer commits to the purchase and fills out the necessary paperwork, a “mistake” is discovered during the calculations (a seller forgot to add the price of the air conditioner, exactly the amount of the original discount). After making a purchase commitment, the customer pays the market price for a car.

This is probably the most important principle in persuading people to act or think the way we want them to. The idea is to follow other people and if you see a large group of people doing a certain thing

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