Influence New And Expanded The Psychology Of Persuasion

By | November 5, 2024

Influence New And Expanded The Psychology Of Persuasion – If there was one book I would make a must-read for all new sales and marketing professionals, it would be Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini.

This book achieves a rare feat. A helicopter view of the idea of ​​influence paired with real-life examples. Cialdini sets out to document the various ways in which human beings can be induced to do certain actions or believe certain beliefs.

Influence New And Expanded The Psychology Of Persuasion

Each chapter deals with one such method. Reciprocation, Commitment and consistency, Social proof, Likeability, Prestige, Scarcity, Unity. The chapters are rich in concepts, examples and famous events. Cialidni even describes how to protect yourself from having these methods used on you.

Unleash Your Inner Influencer: A Deep Dive Into Cialdini’s 6 Persuasion Principles

Why do governments have laws that prohibit politicians and bureaucrats from accepting even small gifts from industrialists? This is a defensive tactic against the natural retaliatory response that kicks in.

The influence opened my eyes to the subtle ways they nudge and sometimes force me to do things that may not be in my best interest. Ikea and Zara say that there are only 3 left of a particular product (scarcity principle). The Watch & Cola companies ask popular actors to endorse their two-hundred-year-old creations (Likeability). According to information from, forty people rated this hotel with four plus stars in the last month (social proof). According to Urban Company, more than three thousand people have used their service from your area (Social Proof).

Why do restaurants offer free samples or small gifts (Reciprocation)? Doctors regulate the length of white coats that can be worn in hospitals based on length of service (Authority). Why is it so hard to make college disappear (Commitment and Consistency)? Why do judges and lawyers still wear stuffy black robes in a tropical country like India (More Authority)?

The influence of reading it is like taking the red pill. A small part of the Matrix becomes visible. The book was first published in 1984 and I read the old edition a few years ago and found it fascinating. This new updated version includes many modern examples and an important new principle: Unity.

Summary Of

If you’re worried about your family’s tribal behavior or the spontaneous formation of online mobs, the Unity Principle explains a lot of that behavior.

This book is a great read on three levels. He made me aware of the principles of Influence that I could use. This made me aware that these principles were being used against me. The book is a great conversation starter!

Pavlov’s dogs. Milgram’s shock experiment. Sugihara’s brave defense against the Jews during World War II. Tupperware sales tactics. This book sheds a lot of light on these seemingly disparate issues and events.

Robert Cialdini’s influence is a walk through your own fragile and vulnerable mind. A long 590 page read that I highly recommend. Five million copies sold (social proof)! Cialdini’s work in the field of human psychology has been recognized around the world. Many value investors have heard of it from Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett’s many years of praise.

Great Book I’d 100 Percent Recommend: Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion By Dr Robert Cialdini

. I have only read the first book so far, it was first published in 1984. The second book is on my reading list.

Although my opinion hardly counts after the compliments Munger gave me (she sent copies of the book to all her children and gifted her with Cialdini’s Berkshire stock), I would like to say that the book opened my eyes. While many points seem too obvious to take seriously, my future experiences with social media (especially Twitter) have proven the value of Cialdini’s work. I also encourage readers not to be confused by seemingly dated references to past marketing practices. The book was written in the era before smartphones and Instagram.

However, I believe that all social media platforms are built on the principles discussed in this book.

I actually felt sad after reading it because it became pretty obvious that people can be so easily tricked into doing things they rationally don’t want to do. In this respect, our minds are actually not as complex as we sometimes think.

Querida] หนังสือภาษาอังกฤษ Influence, New And Expanded

The book is a must-read for anyone involved in marketing, especially in social media. This may even be relevant for early-stage portfolio managers who are willing to raise more capital and convince future investors to put money into their funds. It also helps investors improve their decision-making process by highlighting all the weaknesses in our process. I plan to implement the six principles of influence discussed by Cialdini into my Checklist to ensure that my thinking is not influenced by forces outside of my control and is based on facts and logic as much as possible.

Cialdini begins his book by describing how easily animal behavior can be manipulated due to many pre-programmed “tapes” that cause animals to do crazy things due to one-time triggers (eg a mother turkey will kill her own chicks under certain circumstances – no specific sound). . Cialdini posits several parallels with automatic human actions that can be triggered.

. If someone gets in line and says, “Excuse me, I can use the Xerox machine, I have five pages,” only half of the people in line will let him skip it. But if you just add it

The reason for his sentence is that 94% of people would allow him to use the machine (e.g. Excuse me, I can use the Xerox machine, I have five pages and I’m in a hurry”). Influence, New And Expanded: The Psychology Of Persuasion (chinese Edition): 9787559656438: Robert B Cialdini Phd: Books

Point, it turns out not. In reality, the key word is “because”. The third type of request was formulated as follows:

Sorry, I have five pages. Can I use the Xerox machine because I need to make some copies?

A man has three bowls of water in front of him. One has warm water, the other has cold water, and the third has room temperature. After the person puts one hand in a bowl of cold water and the other in a bowl of hot water, he would be surprised that when both hands are in the third bowl, one hand feels like it is in hot water, while the other hand (in the exact same bowl ) would feel cold. As Cialdini notes, “the point is that the same thing … can look very different, depending on the nature of the event that preceded it.”

“Suppose a man walks into a men’s fashion store and says he wants to buy a three-piece suit and a sweater. If you were the salesperson, which one would you show him first so that he is likely to spend the most money? Clothing stores instruct Salespeople , to sell the expensive item first, common sense suggests the opposite: if a man has spent a lot of money on a suit, he is unwilling to spend much more on a sweater. because when it comes time to look at sweaters, even the expensive ones, their prices don’t seem that high compared to a man spending $95 on a sweater, but if he just bought a $495 suit, a $95 sweater doesn’t seem expensive. “

Influence, New And Expanded: The Psychology Of Persuasion

According to Cialdini, the following principles have the greatest impact on our behavior and are easy to tap into:

According to the rule of reciprocity, we must try to repay in kind what another person has given us (e.g. if a man sends us a birthday present, we should commemorate his birthday with our own gift; if a couple invites us to a party, we must definitely invite them to one of ours). According to sociologists, there is no human society that does not adhere to this rule.

The power of this rule is to increase how much we love the person who has done us a favor. Many professional salespeople know this by offering simple things like free coffee at the start of negotiations. “Free patterns” are also widely used as such techniques.

More sophisticated sales techniques turn the rejection of the original offer into their strength. For example, if you are offered a service that you do not really need in this state, and you refuse to continue the discussion, the seller can ask you to name friends who may be interested in that service. Under normal circumstances, you are unlikely to provide such details, but after being pressured during the presentation, you may agree to name a few of your friends as a concession. Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion: 9780688128166: Cialdini, Robert B.: Books

This technique also thrives on the contrast strategy of selling $95 sweaters after selling $495 suits. Sharing a few connections seems like a small concession compared to buying a service you don’t need.

Cialdini also gives the example of a sales manager who first offers an expensive product (such as a $3,000 desk). After the customer rejects it, he gives him a cheaper $300 piece. Such a sales order (with a

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