Influence The Psychology Of Persuasion By Robert Cialdini

Influence The Psychology Of Persuasion By Robert Cialdini – Have you ever wanted to convince your parents to let you go out late? Or ask the teacher to extend the homework? Or maybe you just want to be more believable in general? If so, you should read the book “The Art of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini.

But what if you’re not an adult in disguise? What if you are a student in grades 7–8? Can you still apply the principles of persuasion?

Influence The Psychology Of Persuasion By Robert Cialdini

In fact, the “art of persuasion” is especially beneficial to young people because it teaches you how to build relationships, communicate effectively, and get what you want. So here are 10 life lessons from The Art of Persuasion that are perfect for 7th to 8th graders (but not only).

Robert Cialdini’s Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion Summary Ebook By Ant Hive Media

Imagine you are at the playground and your friend Raja is excited about his new bike. You want him to give you a bike, but the point is: you have to listen to his bike-loving stories first. Yes, active listening means soaking up the water with a sponge in a baby pool. rani, ask follow-up questions, and show genuine interest. So! Raja can ride you on this bike.

You and your classmate Seema, try to choose pizza for a school picnic instead of burgers. Find that cosmic connection: Do you share an obsession with eating more cheese? Explore common interests before bringing your pizza recommendation into the conversation. , burgers are a thing of the past!

Imagine this: You’re faced with the daunting prospect of cleaning your room. Instead of the usual grunts and grumbles, you hit your parents with the magic word: “because”. “I have to clean my room because I can’t find my lucky socks!”

Have you ever tried to convince a teacher that you need extra days to do your homework? Imagine trying to convince your teacher that aliens stole your homework. What seems more plausible? Turn your arguments into a compelling story.

Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion By #robert Cialdini

Have you ever noticed that people tend to imitate (copy others) body language and words of other people? As if we are all secret mimics. Imagine trying to convince your best friend to watch a sci-fi movie with you. B

So you’re trying to convince your parents to let you raise a pet unicorn (we can dream, right?). Pull the heart beats! Explain how your sad sock collection could benefit from a mystical companion.

Make them feel everything. Tears of sadness without a unicorn could be your ticket to a legendary pet.

You want your classmates to participate in your epic science project, but they won’t. Time to bring out the heavy artillery: Master’s Permit! Mention your teacher and project endorsements will be the hottest ticket in town.

Summary Of Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion By Robert B. Cialdini Phd

Imagine you are trading Pokémon cards with your friend. The extremely rare Charizard is the target and you have it. Please mention that you plan to trade it for someone else.

You try to convince your little brother to share their chocolate. Time to be consistent! Ask them for a small favor before the big one. Once they sign up to help, sharing the chocolates becomes easy.

Imagine you’re trying to convince your friend Sid to help you with a history project. Admire his knowledge of ancient civilizations and watch his heart melt like ice on a sunny day.

Being really good at persuasion comes with a lot of responsibility. So, use these lessons wisely, and trust me, you will achieve some incredible things! I have wanted to read this book for a long time. Almost all the big name marketers have mentioned this book and now I can see why. It really is the bible of persuasion, influence, and marketing

Review: Influence, Robert Cialdini

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, is written by Robert Cialdini, a professor of psychology and marketing. He set out to understand how compliance professions drive us to act, buy products, and how they influence our perception of them and their products.

Yes, I read this book to improve my own marketing knowledge. But, I also want people who use my products to act more often.

I just don’t want students or customers reading one of my ebooks. I really want to inspire them to act on what they learn.

This book is full of Jedi mind tricks to do just that. In fact, I think a lot of the information in this book could be very dangerous in the wrong hands.

Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion (book)

I’ll discuss a few things I learned and then share the notes I took from the book.

This is pretty much the premise of the entire book and all of the techniques Cialdini mentions are ways to use these “short cuts” to your advantage as a marketer.

If you think about it, that’s a good number of decisions we make every day. It even extends to our purchasing decisions.

For example, for your younger male readers, if you’re in a bar or a night club, you’re more likely to have success with women when you cater to the short cuts they use to assess your inclusion value. . This can include the friends you are with, your body language, clothing, and the tone of your voice.

Great Book I’d 100 Percent Recommend: Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion By Dr Robert Cialdini

We use shortcuts to assess value in many different situations because it is human nature to have high levels of uncertainty, lack of knowledge, and emotional arousal throughout the decision-making process. It is just a part of what exists in this world.

I think, from the buyer’s side, it is very important that you recognize when you are in a situation that meets the criteria mentioned above. From a marketer’s point of view, it is best to encourage this kind of situation, even in an ethical way.

I mean, it’s a little weird to say, but when you think about Nazi Germany, North Korea, or states that are dominated by totalitarian rule with a lot of propaganda, the ruling group encourages uncertainty, lack of knowledge, and emotional decision making because that is the way to control the people more easily.

Being a hyper rationally-minded dude, this was a bit hard for me to understand at first. I don’t think I make emotional decisions, but when I really think about it, I do.

Review Of Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion By Robert B. Cialdini

Whether it’s to achieve a certain image, a sense of comfort, or the emotions that come with being respected, all my decisions are based on emotions.

In fact, the decision to start my first company and embark on this business journey was due to a feeling of perceived urgency and a desire to be consistent with my identity, or who I thought I should be.

Once you accept the fact that all decision making is based on emotion, not logic, the techniques and strategies that Cialdini goes through in this book make more sense. After all, this book is about how to affect the masses, not those who make the most intelligent or rational decisions in our society. And, let’s be honest, rationality is a minority in our society and world.

Therefore, you must appeal to the emotions of your readers, listeners, buyers, or followers if you want them to make a certain decision or act in any way. As I write this, I think Donald Trump is doing this to his follower base, whether it’s for good or bad. He evokes emotions that prompt action.

A Joosr Guide To… Influence By Robert Cialdini: The Psychology Of Persuasion Ebook By Joosr

We use mental shortcuts to make decisions, often when there is little time or little knowledge. Automatic behavior due to complexity. Want to avoid brain strain. Mental jujitsu.

“A well-known principle of human behavior says that when we ask someone to do us a favor we will be more successful if we give a reason.”

Purchase: Expensive = Good. “So vacationers, who want “fine” jewelry, see turquoise pieces as definitely more valuable and desirable when nothing about them is enhanced but the price.”

“There is a principle in human perception, the contrast principle, that affects the way we perceive the difference between two objects presented to each other. In other words, if the second item is slightly different from at first, we tend to see it more differently than before.

Lxa Marketing Leaders Book Club: Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion

“When a man walks into a clothing store with the express purpose of buying a suit, he will almost always pay more for any accessories he buys if he buys them after buying suits than before.” Buy the expensive thing first, don’t care about the price of other things.

“We are obliged in the future to pay favors, gifts, and the like.” There are social sanctions if you don’t apply.

Unsolicited favors create feelings of indebtedness. Gifts and favors. The subject does not choose the form of the initial favor or the return favor. Often an unfair exchange of value.

“For those who owe him, it makes no difference whether they like him or not. They felt a sense of obligation to repay him.”

Pre Owned Influence (rev): The Psychology Of Persuasion (paperback 9780688128166) By Robert B Cialdini

“We have already seen that one consequence of the rule is an obligation to repay the favors we have received. Another consequence of the rule, however, is an obligation to make a concession to someone who does

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